WDSF International Open Rousse 2023
WDSF International Open Rousse 2023


Recommends for your trip: Flight to Bucharest.The organizers are prepared to provide FREE transport from Bucharest airport to Rousse and back, because our city is only 60 km far away from Bucharest airport.

1. ***Grand hotel "Riga" - the official hotel of the WDSF International Open Rousse 2023

To use discount, please expressly state that you are involved in Sport Dance tournament.

Rousse,"Pridunavski"boul. 22,
tel.: +359/82822042, gsm:+ 359/882920092;
website: www.hotel-riga.com; e-mail:office@hotel-riga.com

2. ***Hotel TEODORA PALACE – 133 Bulgaria bul., Rousse

tel.: +359 82 590000; mobile: +359892254925;
website: teodorapalace.bg; e-mail:info@teodorapalace.bg

3. Hotel "KRISTAL" – 1 Nikolaevska Str., Rousse,
tel.: +359/82824333;
website: www.kristal-ruse.com; e-mail:hotel_kristal@abv.bg

4. ****Danube Plaza Hotel

Reservations are accepted on e-mail – reservation@dunavplaza.bg or phone +359 888 052 704; +359 826 666

If you have any questions, please contact :
- Vladimir Despotov /Tournament Director/ - gsm: +359 894 650 799, e-mail: reservations@interlos.net
- Ivan Despotov /chief organizer/ - gsm: +359 887 749 580, +359 896 980 575, e-mail: i_despotov@abv.bg