Ruse Open 2013


Recommends for your trip: Flight to Bucharest. We are ready to ensure transport from Bucharest airport to Ruse and back, because our city is only 60km far away from Bucharest airport.

About the organization: If you fly to Bucharest, we ask for information about the date and time of arrival and departure.

1. ****Hotel "Cosmopolitan" – Ruse, "Dobri Nemirov" str. 1-3,
tel.: +359 82 805070; gsm: +359 884 200 887
website:; e-mail:
Special price for participants of the tournament: double room with breakfast - € 50 per night

2. Grand hotel "Riga" – Ruse,"Pridunavski"boul. 22,
tel.: +359/82822042, gsm:+ 359/882920092;
Special price for participants of the tournament: rooms ** - double room with breakfast: € 30 per night.
Double room with breakfast and dinner - € 40.
Rooms*** single room with breakfast - € 39 per night; single room with breakfast and dinner: € 44 per night. double room with breakfast: € 50 per night. Double room with breakfast and dinner - € 60

3. ***Hotel "Anna Palace" – Ruse,"Knyajevska" str.4,
tel.: +359/8282505; gsm: +359/899197457;
website:; e-mail:
Special price for participants of the tournament: single room with breakfast - € 31 per night;
double room with breakfast: € 41 per night.

4. ***Hotel "Cosmos" – Ruse,"Borisova"str. 122,
tel.: +359/82871871; gsm: +359/895669655;
website:; e-mail:
Special price for participants of the tournament: single room with breakfast - € 25 per night;
double room with breakfast: € 35 per night.

To use discount, please expressly state that you are involved in Sport Dance tournament.

If you have any questions, please contact :
- Ivan Despotov /Tournament Director/ - gsm: +359887749580, e-mail:
- Vladimir Despotov /chief organizer/ - gsm: +359899826286, +359897725555, e-mail:

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